Adaptive User Interfaces for the Enterprise
A column in ACM Interactions by researchers at Accenture and Carnegie Mellon discusses how UX designers can leverage AI to improve effectiveness of enterprise applications
While AI and HCI grew up as very different disciplines, they are becoming increasingly intertwined: HCI for AI systems and AI tools has become an increasingly important key to successful deployments, and at the same time, AI has become an increasingly important element of UIs and UXs.
This latter trend (AI for HCI) takes a number of forms. Advanced interfaces, involving computer vision and voice recognition are getting a lot of attention, but in the short-to-medium term, an even bigger impact may be the embedding AI in traditional GUI interfaces. Adaptive User Interfaces (AUIs) that leverage AI to enhance the efficiency, usability, and effectiveness of GUI applications have been increasingly common in consumer applications, and are poised to become more ubiquitous in the enterprise, but designing them and expanded design process and mindset than traditionally employed in enterprise UX design.
We formed a cross-disciplinary collaboration between researchers and practitioners in Accenture and researchers in Carnegie Mellon University’s HCI Institute to study these issues. Some of our thoughts are contained in this article in the current issue of ACM Interactions. Check out it out and let me know your thoughts.